
  • Vitaliy Kashuba National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Anna Dyachenko Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky
  • Zinovii Ostapiak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Oleh Vintonyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



health saving, health-forming educational environment, information Compendium


Aim. To develop the information Compendium, define its functions and purpose and structure the main tasks. Methods. The analysis and systematization of the scientific and methodological literature and documentary materials; abstraction, logical-theoretical analysis, systematic approach; analysis and synthesis, observation, survey, questionnaire, modeling, methods of mathematical statistics. During the ascertaining
pedagogical experiment, we conducted a survey with students and teachers regarding the specific content of health-forming technologies and the creation of the health-forming environment, and discussed the questionnaire and the essence of the intended information Compendium. Results. Summarizing the content of scientific works revealed the contradictions between the amount of accumulated, freely available knowledge on health saving and low physical health of student youth, their theoretical knowledge about their own health and health saving and forming. It can be stated that the easy access to any information created by the society in the recent years by means of information technologies is not enough to reach all young people and to meet their needs for the concretization and globalization of their own knowledge about health formation. The paper reveals the main functions of the information Compendium as the author’s project – informing, accentuating, orienting,
accompanying, advising – and presents the task of the information Compendium as a practical part of the implementation of the technology of health-forming environment of student youth. Conclusion. In today’s information space, there is a need to implement the information Compendium to advise students on organizing their own health-forming environment. The use of the Compendium should not be limited to the formation of one or the other qualities, or only to mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, since this is not enough. The implementation of health-forming technologies in the process of physical training requires the mobilization of motives, the impact on the reality, the development of health-saving competence.
Keywords: health saving, health-forming educational environment, information Compendium.


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