
  • O. Khanikiants Lviv State University of Physical Culture


athletic gymnastics, force exercises, youth, motivation, training technique


The article deals with the motivation force according to physical improvement by athletic gymnastic
methods. It was also investigated the experience of application of force exercises with recreational aim.
In order to reach the goal different methods were used such as analysis and generalization of domestic
and foreign scientific-methodological literature; the Internet sources, periodical editions, survey (questioning and interview); methods of statistic data processing.
Modern youth is actively interested in healthy lifestyle; accordingly the opportunity to train with the
optimally designed program without time and money wasting in the private fitness centres is relevant a lot. The majority of those who does sport with recreational goal stop their activity within two years because of thoughts that there is no sense in such classes. These people are confident in the level of their health and physic condition is pretty much enough, they think. Some reasons are typical laziness, lack of time and money, the result is not as was expected before. What is more, some of them may have a thought it has harm for health. The results allow formulating main problems, which were faced by participants in the process of training. Among them are using inappropriate load according to physical and physiologic opportunities of their organism. There also exist difficulties with acquirement exercise techniques, choosing optimal training program, lack of motivation because of changing typical way of spending the day (changes in daily timetable, nutrition, relatives’ and friends’ misunderstanding, additional cost ext.). What is more, there can be some old injuries or recently received new.
It is formulated changes in the methodical of classes’ organization, equipment exploitation and methods
of training according to age and experience of the particular respondent.
Key words: athletic gymnastics, force exercises, youth, motivation, training technique.


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