interest in scientific work, professional experience, scientific formation, search of scientific direction, civic activityAbstract
Professional development of sport specialists is corresponding with psychological and pedagogical
support, having in mind the focus of qualified teachers, psychologists, trainers, instructors etc. However, the problem of development of competencies in the period of education in higher institution is not enough studied. First of all – the problem of formation scientific background of future specialists during the period of university training.
The process of preparation future specialists is a long time period and for this reason person could be
under influence of different negative factors. In order to prevent and avoid these issue, in the article main accent was made on elements of tutor system in professional training: popularization of civic education conception, using different possibilities of psychological and pedagogical disciplines.
We examined 57 students of master degree. During the research process the following methods were
used: the method of brain attack, discussion, cooperation training, portfolio, method of discussion. In order to determine the value system of students, the impact of various forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical support, a questionnaire survey of 5th year students was organized.
As was found: professional education study process at university is a problem of formation vital values
and orientations via formal, informal and informal education. It takes place during student educational
activities, but is not structured enough and is therefore largely spontaneous (in terms of learning goals, methods and forms) and need to be reinformed, using modern international experience, psychological and pedagogicalmmethods and forms). For this reason teaching staff of the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport pays considerable attention to the development of practical training courses. Among the various disciplines directly related to the issues of psychological and pedagogical support include: psychology of sports and pedagogical interaction, individual psychological features of the personality of the trainer-teacher, components of pedagogical skill of a sports teacher, psychological problems of socialization; psychodiagnostics in sport, psycho-regulation in sport, psychological modeling characteristics of athletes training, visual psychodiagnostics, motivation in sports, psychological support of training of athletes.
Key words: interest in scientific work, professional experience, scientific formation, search of scientific
direction, civic activity.
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