
  • V. Semenenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • S. Trachuk National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • M. Brychuk National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Spor
  • L. Tsykalo National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


diagnostics, professional competence, teacher of physical culture, professional activity


The purpose. To conduct a diagnosis of the level of formation of organizational and communicative
abilities of future teachers of physical culture and to identify the factors that impede the self-development of a future teacher.
Methods. During the study, the following methods were used: analysis of special literature on the
research problem; sociological methods (questionnaires for assessing the level of the formation of factors that hinder and stimulate the self-development of the future teacher (according to N. Zhurin and Y. Ilyin); a questionnaire for diagnosing organizational and communicative abilities of the teacher KOS-1); methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted on the basis of the National University of Physical
Education and Sports of Ukraine, which was attended by 24 students (20 boys, 4 girls) from the Faculty of
Health, Physical Education and Tourism, who obtain a bachelor’s degree in the specialty 014 Secondary
Education (Physical Culture). Results It has been established that the majority of future teachers of physical culture (62.5%) have an average and high level of communicative and organizational abilities. At the same time, it was revealed that the following factors hinder the self-development of the future teacher: lack of own initiative (83.34%); disappointment due to failures that occurred during classes and extracurricular activities (58.33%); shortage of time (37%); limited resources, difficult life situations (79,17%); the lack of objective information about the functions of the teacher of physical culture (54, 17%). Conclusion. The conducted analysis of the assessment of organizational and communicative skills of students showed that only 16.7%, have a high level of organizational and communicative abilities. The main factors hindering self-development of the future teacher is the lack of their own initiative; lack of time, lack of objective information about the functions of the teacher of physical culture.
Key words: diagnostics, professional competence, teacher of physical culture, professional activity.


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