table tennis, technical and tactical preparation, studentsAbstract
At the present stage of development of table tennis players began to use complex protective, attacking and counterattacking actions more often, in particular, technical elements with various rotations. As the analysis of international competitions shows, players who use technical elements with various rotations (filing and strikes), as a rule, win the game. The growth of training and competitive loads in modern table tennis requires students of high level of preparedness: physical, technical, tactical and psychological. At the same time, students are forced to perform various technical techniques aimed at solving concrete tactical tasks against a background of high competitive intensity of the game for a minimum short period of time. It should be emphasized that creativity or improvisation of student tennis players in gaming activities and their skill lies in a certain level of training, which allows varying tactical models in order to increase the number of unpredictable situations for an opponent and reduce such situations from an opponent. Various variants of previously modeled technical and tactical actions should create an opportunity to exit any, even the most difficult situation with minimal losses. Tactical effectiveness of the game is directly dependent on the player’s ability to assess the situation and find the right decision in a specific game moment. This, ultimately, is determined by the state of preparedness of students-tennis players, which is the result of genetic giftedness and the cumulative effect of the training process of various types of training. The level of perfection of performance of technical and tactical actions is no less important aspect of technical and tactical readiness. It depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of technical elements, the skillful combination of refined tactical schemes for competitive struggle with the use of non-standard moves and the use of player’s individual capabilities to achieve the final result depends on the efficiency of the game in table tennis
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