science, historical paradigm, physical culture, sport, Ukraine, 1939–1990Abstract
Purpose. Study is to determine the dynamics and priorities of the historical paradigm of physical culture and sport of Ukraine in the context of the scientific heritage of dissertation papers that were presented to public protection during the period (1939–1990 years). Material. The scientific search was carried out on materials of 232 abstracts of dissertations on the history of physical culture and sports. The research problem is disclosed in the chronological periods of the first (1939–1965 years) and II (1966–1990 years) periods. Methods: systemstructural analysis; synthesis and analogy; content analysis; problem-chronological; cross-cultural. Results. There are five priority directions of historical research of the physical culture and sports. Quantitative and content components of these areas are determined by political, ideological and socio-cultural factors that determined the methodology and general trends of the development of contemporary historical science. We state the scientific nihilism of covering the issues of the history of physical culture and sport in the pre-Soviet period of the Ukrainian and other ethnic groups living in the territories annexed to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1939 year, 1940 year and 1945 year. Insufficient degree of development of problems in the history of physical culture and sport in research has been established, aimed at the territorial boundaries of the then Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Conclusion: During the investigated period, the historical paradigm of physical culture and sport of Ukraine is characterized by political engagement and tenderness and is a certain stage in the formation of a system of scientific knowledge
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