healthcare, health, students, physical culture, specialistsAbstract
The article discusses the problems of forming the health culture of students in pedagogical theory and practice. The main problems that need to be taken into account in order to improve the formation of a culture of healthcare of students and a number of features of this process are determined: increasing the effectiveness of future professional activities of students is associated with many health-destructive factors (hypodynamia, high emotional expenditure and stress, tension of the organs of vision, which arising as a result of responsible work with documents, systematic and long-term work with computer technology), which can be eliminated using the material with time-saving content in the process of professional training of students; the formation of a culture of health preservation of students on the basis of interdisciplinary integration, which is based on the interpenetration of healthcare-saving content of educational disciplines. The results of the study made it possible to study the state of the formation of the health culture of students. Using questionnaires, psychomotor and psychosomatic tests, it was found that 27.91% of students showed a high level of health care, 38.37% were adequate, 30.23% satisfactory, 3.49% were low; the average indicator was 3.91 points. We found and compared the effectiveness of the motivation of students of control and experimental groups to form a culture of health preservation on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. The digital indicators of the obtained results testify to the expediency of using the author’s technique in the process of studying the following disciplines: “Safety of Life”, “Philosophy”, “History of Ukrainian Culture”, “Physical Education”. The results of our study indicate the need to organize and use new approaches to the formation of a culture of healthcare of students. It is advisable to combine the material content of several disciplines on the basis of interdisciplinary integration regarding the preservation of health
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