physical therapy, kinesiotherapy, segmental-reflex massageAbstract
Aim: to study and improve the complex program of rehabilitation of persons after surgical intervention due to gastric and duodenal ulcer in the resort conditions. The study was conducted in 50 patients who underwent surgical intervention in connection with stomach and duodenum peptic ulcer age from 40 to 50 years old. The stomach functional state was studied by an intragastric pH-metry, the state of the pancreas was studied using the method of fractional amylase examination by Zheltvay (1969). Psychological examination was carried out using the psychodiagnostic scale: a questionnaire for the determination of neuroticism H. Eysenck / variant of ERI /. All patients underwent a course of integrated spa therapy, which included: a gentle training regimen, an RHD, a diet number 5, an internal intake of mineral water Polyana Kvasova of temperature of 420C 45 minutes before meals at 200 ml 3 times a day, special exercises of kinesiotherapy, segmental-reflex massage, singlet-oxygen therapy. At the examination of patients in terms of pH, there is a hypoacidic state of the stomach, gallbladder hypotony, decreasement in the pancreas enzyme-excretory function, decreasement in the extraversion-introversion scale, high marks in the neurotic scale. As a result of the rehabilitation measures along with improving of the health state, there was a decreasement in the pH of the stomach’s body and antrum, the gallbladder contractile function has improved, the parameters of the enzyme-excretory function of the pancreas has increased at fasting and during the digestion period. According to the H. Eysenck questionnaire data in patients, the low ratings on the extraversion-introversion scale have reliably increased, initially high rates of neuroticism scale have decreased. Thus, in the majority of patients who underwent surgical intervention due to stomach and duodenal ulcer, a number of early postoperative syndromes develop, which manifests as a violation of the other digestive system organs functions, mechanisms of adaptive regulation and self-regulation at different levels, changes neuropsychic sphere. The efficacy of using the complex of rehabilitation measures developed by us which are aimed at improving clinical, laboratory parameters of normalization of motorevacuator, secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, neuropsychiatric sphere is proved.
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