future specialists in physical education and sports, natural and scientific preparation, blended learning technologiesAbstract
The purpose of the work is to consider the peculiarities and advantages of the natural and scientific preparation of future specialists in physical education and sports using blended learning technologies. The research methods are based on the application of methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of the results of author’s experience effective use blended learning technologies at the Department of Biological Basis of Physical Training, Health and Sports of the T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” (NUCHK). The results of the research substantiate the necessity of creating a scientific-methodical centre or a laboratory of blended learning technologies based on the Department of Biological Foundations of Physical Education, Health, and Sports. The main areas of activity of the scientific-methodical centre or of the laboratory of blended technologies are: ensuring the integration of blended learning technologies into the educational process of the physical training faculties in order to improve its quality and effectiveness; providing consulting and methodological support to scientific and pedagogical workers and carrying out appropriate measures to increase their level of knowledge, skills and acquired habits on the practical implementation of blended learning at all stages; provision of organizational and methodological support for the creation and systematic updating of the electronic information system of open access to the teaching and methodological support for the organization of blended learning of natural sciences disciplines; development and scientific substantiation of theoretical and methodical principles of effective use of technologies of blended learning in the educational process of institutions of higher education; search and research of new ways, software and technical solutions to increase the effectiveness of blended learning (creation and use of educational content, ensuring effective interaction between its participants); monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements for the creation of teaching and methodological support and the organization of blended learning, as well as expert evaluation of the quality of this process at all its stages. Conclusion: the article proves the necessity of creating a scientificmethodical centre or laboratory of blended learning technologies based on the Department of Biological Foundations of Physical Education, Health and Sports, which can help to provide high-quality natural and scientific preparation of future specialists in physical education and sports in the context of the reforming of higher education in Ukraine
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