motor activity, free time, adult womenAbstract
The results of the questionnaire allowed finding out the attitude of adult women to the specially organized motor activity and the forms of motor activity, typical for adult women in the mode of the day. Aim: to establish the place of motor activity in the mode of adult women’s day. Material and methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. 1864 adult women participated in the survey, of which 1119 women live in cities and 745 in rural areas.
It has been found that adult women mostly tend to a home-based motor activity, in return specially organized motor activity is not given enough attention: 10% of urban women and 71.1% of women living in rural areas are moving on the case on foot, are constantly engaged in domestic physical labor 69.6% of urban women and 89.3% of women in rural areas. Individually exercising 11.9% of urban women and 9.5% of women living in villages, performing morning hygiene gymnastics, only 1.6% of urban women and no woman in rural areas, lesson in sports and recreation groups are visiting 13.9% urban women and 1.2% of women in rural areas. A significant number of women understand the positive impact of physical education on the body, but does not engage, referring to the lack of free time or conditions for lessons. Among the interviewed people, 10.3% of urban women and 22.7% of women in rural areas indicated that they did not see the need for exercise. Women in rural areas rated their own motor activity as high and average (25.2% and 36.1% respectively), urban women rated their motor activity as average (47.9%). A significant number of women in urban and rural areas rated their own motor activity as low (28.3% and 24.7% respectively). Adult women give preference household motor activity. Specially organized motor activity on the day of adult women living in rural areas occupy only 9th place in the rating among all types of classes in their free time, and among urban women – 5th place in the rating
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