
  • R. Rymyk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • L. Malaniuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • A. Synytsia Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • V. Stupnitskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


professional-applied physical training, professional qualities, physical fitness, pupils of vocational schools


The article defines professional qualities, substantiates and formulates the content of professionalapplied physical training of students of vocational and technical educational institutions, determines the means
of professional-applied physical training of students and their effectiveness in the process of mastering the futureprofession.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the content of PPFP in vocational schools and to determine its
impact on physical fitness and professional qualities.
To the pedagogical experiment 45 students of the first course of the UPU of the WTO and the TPU № 13
in Ivano-Frankivsk were involved.
In order to accomplish the tasks, theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological
literature, pedagogical observations, physiometric research, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics were used.
The implemented experimental program included the means, forms and conditions for the implementation of this program. From the existing programs on physical education, it differed in specific means and methods of developing the professional qualities of specialists who carry a small amount of physical activity during their professional activity
Effectiveness of our program of PPFP students of the VET, confirmed in the experiment, as evidenced by
its results. Namely, the level of somatic health has increased by 61,4%; the number of students with a higher average level of physical preparedness increased by 25,3%, and 24,9% of the students showed a high level; the number of pupils with a lower average level of physical preparedness decreased by 46,9%, with an average of 2,9%.
Probably the indexes of testing of professional qualities of students of VET schools, such as coordination
of movements according to the Kopylov test, have significantly increased; jump in length from the front and back; skill test; statistical endurance of muscles of the abdominal press and back; speed of visual information processing; concentration and stability of attention, distribution and switching attention; mobility of nerve processions; operational and arbitrary memory.
Key words: professional-applied physical training, professional qualities, physical fitness, pupils of
vocational schools.


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