
  • O. Prekurat Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • A. Koshura Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


theory of training, volleyball, motor action


The purpose of our study is to study the specifics of training in motor activity in volleyball. Methods of
research: Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, testing of physical abilities of young athletes and questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. The test took place at training sessions in the group of initial training of the first year of studying at the KSUS on volleyball on the basis of Milliyevo School. The main experiment was carried out in the Karapchyv, and an experimental group and control group were formed on the basis of 5–6 grades. The experimental group included young athletes engaged in the volleyball section on the basis of the developed methodology. The control group included volleyball students, according to the generally accepted methodology. The number of people in both groups was 15 students. Previously none of the participants in the experiment volleyball was not engaged. Results: We have highlighted the main elements that the coach should use to train motor action – a demonstration and key points. We have found that a method of target representation can serve as a tool for young volleyball players to be very effective for learning motor activity. Conclusions: It is established that there is insufficient research on the development of methodological provision of the training process on volleyball (especially at the initial stage of training) using the theory of educational activity, the main provisions of which allow to build learning from general to specific with the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in a decision environment generalized educational tasks. These approaches allow us to successfully solve the contradictions in the formation of flexible motor qualities that are adequate to the requirements of playing sports.
Key words: theory of training, volleyball, motor action


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