physical exercises, motor activity, spare time, spare time activity, pupilsAbstract
The aim: to determine the total time expenditures on activities associated with motor activity, performed
by secondary school pupils aged 12–14 years during the day. Methods: analysis and generalization of
information from scientific literature; methods of theoretical level of research (analysis and synthesis); defining the structure of spare time by the ATUS method (The American Time Use Survey). mathematical statistics methods. Pupils of 7-9 grades secondary schools № 45 and № 54 in L’viv were involved in the research. The total number of pupils was 310 persons. To solve the set tasks, a regime day diary, which envisaged the opportunity for daily fixing of time expenditures on specified types of activities, has been developed. A list of typical activities in which pupil could be involved is suggested in the diary, as well as the ability to indicate his own variant of activity. Results: time expenditures on different types of activities, performed by secondary school pupils aged 12–14 years on weekdays and during weekends, were defined. Using mathematical statistics methods, a weak results variability, relative to the time expenditures for educational activity (v <10%) was established. Indicators of daily expenditure on food intake were of average homogeneity (v 10-25%). Indicators of time expenditures on other types of activities were characterized by high variability (v> 25%). Conclusions: the greatest amount of time secondary school pupils aged 12–14 years on weekdays spend on educational activities (382 min per day). The second and third indicators of time expenditures appeared in such activities as communication (88.4 min per day) and homework (84.9 min per day). At weekends, the greatest amount of time pupils spend on walks (139.5 minutes per day), communication (127.3 minutes per day) and working on a computer (106 minutes per day).
Key words: physical exercises, motor activity, spare time, leisure, activity, pupils.
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