Scandinavia walking, physical condition, studentsAbstract
To solve the problem of motor activity deficit, it is necessary to use traditional and non-traditional forms
and means of physical culture that are implemented in innovative educational and physical education classes. Innovative means include Scandinavian walking or walking with sticks. In modern society, Scandinavia walking is one of the types of motor activity that is rapidly developing and spreading by Europe and the world as regular classes reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, increase the body’s stress and improve overall well-being. The purpose of our study is to study the influence of Scandinavian walking classes on the physical fitness of students in higher education institutions. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: theanalysis of literary sources used the following control tests, necessary for express assessment of the level ofphysical condition by Apanasenko G. L.: a) anthropometric data (height, body weight); b) the frequency of cardiovascular contractions (heart rate); c) arterial pressure (AT); d) vital capacity of the lungs (VEL); e) functional test (20 squats in 30 seconds) [1].
The research was conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Health of the Chernivtsi
National University named after Yuri Fedkovich. The study involved 34 first-year guys of different specialties attending physical education classes. The influence of Scandinavian walking on the physical fitness of freshmen students was determined.
Key words: Scandinavia walking, physical condition, students
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