


highly skilled athletes, pankration, program, special physical training, technical and tactical training


Theoretically substantiate and develop the program of special physical, techno-tactical training of highly skilled athletes from Pankration and check its effectiveness. Methods. To solve the tasks, the following methods were used: analysis and generalization of data of scientific-methodical literature, testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, analysis of video materials of competitor activity of athletes. The study was attended by 20 athletes who are part of the national team of Ukraine on Pankration, aged 17-31. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of the Golden Pankration Sports Club. The program of special physical, techno-tactical training of highly skilled athletes of the experimental group provided for the following training tasks: exercises with special mini-burdens for 2 minutes and further elimination of the rival (footing); execution of various throws with special mannequins for combat; various kick strokes at different levels while keeping the net for a minute; bending and extension of the hands in an emphasis laying with applause in the palm (in front of the chest, behind the head, behind the back) for 30 s; hand blows (”fight with the shadow”), followed by execution of pain in the party; speed work with horizontal ropes for a minute; Exercises with two special absorbent rubber (legs and strokes); execution of specialized tasks with change of positions in the strike party (5 minutes); situational technical and tactical tasks in a party with force work (3хв). Result. As a result of the pedagogical experiment conducted using the developed program and the comparative analysis of the indicators of the control and experimental groups, probable changes of the indicators of special physical training (explosive kicking on the sack and by special tools for 30 seconds, hand-hitting in a boxing bag at a speed of 20 seconds, jumps with a rope in one minute, strikes on a sack in a counter and in a rack in one minute, strikes with hands, feet on the sack in one minute). Regarding tactical training, the following was found: 39.7% of highly skilled athletes prefer mixed style of fight (blows, throws, fight in the party); 16.3% use the style of strike “Udarnik” (typical won duels with shock technique); 16% carry out a duel in the style of “Thugs”; 28% of athletes use the “Parterre” style. Conclusion. Thus, the application in the training process of qualified athletes from the pankration of the developed program allows to optimize the level of special physical and technical and tactical training


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