post-industrial society, entrepreneurial activity, physical culture and sportAbstract
Objective: a Special feature of post-industrial society is the importance of information for economic and social progress. This is what allows us to talk about the intellectualization of the economy, the economy based on knowledge. In this regard, governments, entrepreneurs, the public in most countries of the world are increasingly aware of the importance of having quality information on a wide range of issues. It allows to provide rational forecasting and management of economic and social processes for making scientifically proved decisions from various and difficult problems of social development.
The article deals with the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship, trends and problems of physical culture and sports, the prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of physical culture and sports. The definition of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of physical culture and sports is proposed. The functions of entrepreneurship in the sphere of physical culture and sports are analyzed. The distinctive features of various organizational and legal forms of commercial sports organizations are characterized. On this basis, the importance of the sphere of physical culture and sports as a social system is justified, the organizational structure of the management of the domestic sports movement is revealed. the features of the functioning of this system at the present stage are characterized.
Professional training of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports for entrepreneurial activity was due to rapid changes in the socio-economic, political life of the country, the challenges of globalization, the objective needs of improving the quality of the growing level of requirements for educational, scientific, methodological and information support of professional competence of these specialists, taking into account their personal and professional needs and professional experience. Therefore, the problems of improving the quality of training of future specialists in the field of physical culture for entrepreneurial activity in the realities of today’s post-industrial society are becoming more and more urgent. Key words: post-industrial society, entrepreneurial activity, physical culture and sport.
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