
  • A. Kolomiets Sumy National Agrarian University
  • V. Meliushkyna Sumy National Agrarian University


will, self-regulation, autogenous training, fighters


Psychological readiness of students of wrestlers is one of the important components of the structure of
overall preparedness. Her task is to create a favorable mental state of the athlete in order to ensure the success of training and competition.
The article presents the results of the study, which determined the possibility of correcting the
parameters of volitional self-regulation of students of the wrestlers of the Sumy National Agrarian University. Respondents were 17 students of the team of the Agrarian University of free fight (8 students 1–2 courses, 9 –3–5 courses). To determine the level of manifestation of the parameters of volitional self-regulation, we used the method “Investigation of volitional self-regulation” (O.V. Zvirkov and E.V. Eidman). The team of the agrarian university takes part in regional and city wrestling competitions, which requires athletes not only professional skills, but also psychological training, including emotional and volitional self-regulation.

Volitional self-regulation of wrestlers is a complex process. It provides management of your own mental and emotional state. Volitional self-regulation helps to instantly make decisions, take into account the situation on the carpet, which can change dramatically depending on the opponent’s tactics.
It is clear that this kind of self-regulation develops for a certain period of time and depends on the
coach. He should focus not only on physical training, but also on the psychological training of athletes.
Thus, the development of voluntary self-regulation of agrarian university wrestlers is a process that
ensures the management of their his condition. It is a necessary component of the professional and psychological training of athletes.
Experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of the use of autogenous training to correct the indicators of
volitional self-regulation of students of wrestlers as 1-2 courses, and 3-5 courses. This contributed to
improving the level of ability to work, the ability to withstand the actions of the rival, to control his condition and behavior, and to maintain the optimal level of nervous and mental state.
Key words: will, self-regulation, autogenous training, fighters.


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