adolescents, physical education, skateboarding, roller sport, psycho-emotional state, cognitive propertiesAbstract
The aim of the study is to identify the effects of motor activity extreme types (skateboarding and roller
sport) on psycho-emotional state and cognitive properties of male adolescents aged 13–14. 20 adolescents of secondary school-lyceum number 23 of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk) participated in the experiment. The pupils of experimental group were training under the author’s methodology in health recovering club “Extreme”. The duration of the forming experiment lasted 9 months. The psychoemotional state testing was performed using such methodics: “Stress proneness”, “Person’s Total Emotional Orientation” by B. Dodonov, “Emotional-volitional qualities screening” by Taylor, Eysenck, Roong, Rotter processing by Kondratyeva, “Person’s character quiz”, “Personal Aggression and Conflict Questionnaire”, “Logical and Mechanical Memory Test” and “Visual Reproduction Questionnaire”.
Retesting of emotional-volitional qualities showed that adolescents engaged in extracurricular skateboarding and roller sports activity changed external locus control to the internal, that is, they became more responsible for what is happening to them. In the group of adolescents engaged in the experimental program, the proportion of children with negative aggressiveness decreased significantly from 53.92% before the experiment to 35.00% at the end of an experiment (F = 2.05; p <0.05) and the number of adolescents were been a stressful state decreased by 50.39% of those before the experiment (χ2 = 13.96; p <0.01); mechanical and logical memory have shown that in adolescents, which systematically engaged in the proposed program, the growth rate of mechanical and logical memory was 14.75% and 15.78% respectively and attention concentration indicator increased by 1.5 times – from 4 to 6 minutes, the number of errors in the test decreased by 15.24%.
Key words: adolescents, physical education, skateboarding, roller sport, psycho-emotional state,
cognitive properties.
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