cardiovascular system, muscle tone, tapping test, street workout.Abstract
The article analyzes the indexes of the cardiovascular system based on the Teslenko method, muscle tone
(biceps, triceps) and psychomotor function on the tapping-test in 19 students aged from 17 to 20 years in the conditions of the street workout training. It was established that the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the force loads corresponds to the physiological standards and concepts concerning the influence of force gymnastic exercises on various systems of the human body. A comparative analysis of the average rates of heart rate in September and December showed a high degree of certainty the difference between them. The heart rate indicators at the end of the study show a significant improvement in the cardiovascular score. The training load resulted in a moderate excitement of the neuromuscular system. Indicators of tone of double-headed muscle (biceps) did not reveal any significant differences in the average rates before and after the workout. But there is a tendency to increase tone indices in an arbitrary tension after training. It was concluded that the physical load on this muscle was optimal as evidenced by the analysis of individual parameters of the tone amplitude of the double-headed muscle. At the end of the training there is a tendency to increase the indices of an arbitrary strain of the trigeminal muscle and magnitude of the amplitude. Based on the results of the study, it was suggested that training led to CNS excitation. However, in order to determine the degree of excitation of the CNS (optimal or excessive) in this training, further research is required. In the analysis of tapping-test indicators, the phenomenon of stabilization of the rate of hand movement was discovered, which in our opinion can be used as an indicator of the state of the central nervous system in conditions of sports training and competitions.
Key words: cardiovascular system, muscle tone, tapping test, street workout.
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