elementary swimming training, 8–9 years old children, pre-forming of moving readiness to study technicsAbstract
The aim of the research: to determine the efficiency of using the swimming training methodology for 8–9
years old children based on pre forming of moving readiness to study technics.
Methods and organization of the research: psychological evaluation of children’s behavior in aquatic
environment; Stanhe test; pedagogical observation; real time monitoring; pedagogical experiments; methods of
math and statistics. Pedagogical experiment took place from September to November in the sport club Active
based on Titan sport center`s swimming pool in Chernivtsy. Fourty 8–9 years old boys and girls participate the
experiment. There were 2 groups, experimental and test, 20 children in each who were taught to swim from the
beginning. Experimental group were taught based on exp. methodology. Children in test group were studied
according to “Swimming teaching schedule in schools at Chernivtsy for 2016-2020 years”.
Experimental teaching methodic is targeted on pre forming of moving readiness and including exercises
on both water and land. It also consisted from 20 trainings which including special exercises during first 10-15
minutes of training. On the beginning and in the end of experimental study it were measured basic swimming
readiness, also there were evaluated the swimming technics such as crawl stroke and back stroke.
Results and conclusion: Moving readiness for gaining swimming skills forms on both land and water. On
land it is a fixation of flat arm, coordination during imitation of swimming moves, ability to fast relax your
muscle, to relax unworking muscle during tension of the working one. In water it is studying of specific act of
breathing, increasing the time of holding breath, gaining water resisting skills, ability to swim using arms,
learning the combination of using arms, body and feet, ability to change position in water.
As result of using experimental methods of teaching, experimental group had bigger growth of results rather
then test group, including time test for holding breath, keep body vertically on water and breathing out in water.
Experimental group with moving readiness had better quality of learning technics of swimming, such as
crawl stroke (81% of max mark in experiment group, 68% in test group) and back stroke (66% – experimental
group, 58% – test group).Experimental methodic can be introduced in practice of studying elementary swimming
in Swimming section of sport clubs, sport schools and during the studying swimming in middle schools.
Key words: elementary swimming training, 8–9 years old children, pre-forming of moving readiness to
study technics.
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