health, physical development, students, support, physical capacitiesAbstract
This article deals with the organization and conduction of health classes with students of special medical
groups at a higher technical educational institution. The issues of physical and psychological preparation of
students to professional activity are also considered. Besides, the factors that can affect the physical and
psychological health as well as the emotional state of a young person are identified. The purpose of the research
is to develop theoretically and experimentally substantiate the organizational and methodological conditions for
improving the efficiency of health-improving work with students of special medical groups using physical
culture. To achieve the goal of our study, the following tasks were set: 1. To analyze the scientific and
methodological literature and information regarding the introduction and use of health technologies in the
educational process of a higher technical educational institution. 2. To substantiate the complex of organizational
and methodological conditions aimed at improving the efficiency and health orientation of the physical
education of students of a special medical group. 3. Experimentally verify and evaluate the effectiveness of the
developed methodology. It was established that the emergence of a number of diseases in students is due to the
insufficient amount of physical activity, high psycho-emotional stress and stress in the process of training at the
university. The role and importance of traditional and non-traditional health technologies using in the educational
process in special medical groups are revealed. It has been established that physical education classes in
special medical groups are an integral organizational-methodical form of physical training, the means of which
are strictly regulated health-improving exercises of selective influence on the human organism. The complex of
organizational and methodological conditions was developed and substantiated, the basis of which is an
individually-differentiated approach to the physical education of students of a special medical group to a particular
type of physical activity, with the systematic use of the four-time practice a week mode. This study
substantiates the hypothesis that raising the level of physical education of students of a special medical group in
higher technical education institution largely depends on the quality pedagogical support of physical training
and health activities based on differentiated approach, which will allow to put into practice organizational,
methodological, medical-physiological and psychological-pedagogical conditions of the educational process.
Key words: health, physical development, students, support, physical capacities.
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