adaptive sports, billiard sport, pool, musculoskeletal disorders, preparedness, program, special equipmentAbstract
An analysis of the results of research by national and foreign scientists on the problems of adaptive
sports has allowed to establish that the issues of preparation of athletes with disabilities have been actively
investigated in recent years. The attention of industry professionals is increasingly given to the development of
techniques for adaptive physical education and sports. However, insufficient attention is paid to the issues of
improving the software and logistical support of sports training for persons with disabilities. That is why the
purpose of the study is to improve the training of elite billiard players with musculoskeletal disorders. The
method of expert assessments allowed to identify a list of important technologies and equipment in adaptive
billiards, which is a potential interest from the member countries of the European Pocket Billiard Federation.
Ukrainian athletes have not yet received prize places in the European and world championships among
wheelchairs, as the experience of training elite pool players is small. In order to increase the volume of technical
and tactical skills and increase the effectiveness of competitive activities, we have improved and upgraded the
training program and developed special aids and equipment for billiard players with disabilities, namely:
"liquid talc", special belts for fixing the cue during an impact on athletes from injuries of the locomotor
apparatus in the cervical unit, modified "bridge" for the possibility of performing the maximum amount of
technical shots. The developed program and special equipment were introduced into the process of preparation
of the national team of billiardists with musculoskeletal disorders. The effectiveness of the implemented
developments is confirmed by a significant increase in quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical and
tactical performance of athletes.
Key words: adaptive sports, billiard sport, pool, musculoskeletal disorders, preparedness, program,
special equipment.
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