physical culture, sport, schoolchildren, bad habits, teacher, coach.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to study the views of experts in physical culture and sports in the presence of
harmful passions among schoolchildren and children-athletes. Methods of research: questionnaires,
mathematical statistics (arithmetic mean).
Organization of the research: a questionnaire was conducted among physical education teachers and
trainers of the Youth College. In total, 100 respondents took part in the survey, among them: 74 teachers of
physical culture, 26 trainers of DYUSS, 42 – representatives of city schools, 58 rural, 65 – men and 35 – women.
Obtained results: the article analyzes the results of questionnaires among teachers of physical culture
and trainers of children’s and youth sports schools, in relation to admitting pupils’ youth with negative habits.
Conclusions: It is indicated that the best means of preventing harmful habits is physical culture and
sports. There are a number of reasons that are an obstacle to using the full potential of physical culture and
sports as a means of preventing and eliminating harmful habits, namely: the lack of sports grounds at the place
of residence and the lack of funds for the payment of sports services. Among the identified reasons for the
admission of schoolchildren, the negative habits were as follows: the lack of alternative interests (in general –
47,0%, teachers of physical culture – 44,5%, coaches of DYUSS – 53,8%, specialists of urban secondary schools
and DUSSS - 80,9%, men – 47,6% and women – 45,7%), as well as 65,5% of the elections among the specialists
of rural high schools and Youth Schools received the reason-interest, desire to relax, excess money and free
Key words: physical culture, sport, schoolchildren, bad habits, teacher, coach.
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