sumo wrestlers, terminal values, instrumental values, value orientationsAbstract
The purpose is to determine the peculiarities of the value orientations of the sumo wrestlers. Material and
methods of research: participated in the study 83 respondents aged from 7 to 45 years old (sumo wrestlers and
athletes of various sports). Methodology M. Rokicha was used to set value orientations, applied theoretical
analysis and generalization of literary sources and methods of mathematical processing of data. The results of
the study gave the opportunity to consider the value system of sumo wrestlers, analyze the hierarchy terminal
and instrumental values. Prioritized terminal values for sumo wrestlers are health, life wisdom and development,
which testifies to their desire for physical, intellectual and moral and ethical development. The value of material
maintenance of life at sumo wrestlers on the twelfth place, but this values occupy the leading position for most of
the youth, including athletes of various sports. The instrumental values: parenting, firm will and honesty occupy
first three places for sumo wrestlers. Conclusions: the orientation on the formation of personality are features of
value orientations of sumo wrestlers, they don’t strive to manifest social activity, they are not interested public
recognition, happiness of other people and entertainment, athletes of various sports seeking achievements and
Key words: sumo wrestlers, terminal values, instrumental values, value orientations.
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