

variable modules, physical culture, pupils from the Grade 9, schools from the city and countryside


The goal is to implement specifics of variable module component application into physical culture
educational program in the city and countryside (on the example of pupils from 9 Grades). The methods. During
the research such methods as theoretical, sociological (survey) and method of mathematical statistic were.
Pupils from 38 Lviv region educational establishments have taken part in the survey. 22 establishments among
total amount are located in the different Lviv region cities and other 16 are from countryside. The questions
were answered by 407 pupils from the Grades 9. The results. It was proved that 48.4% of pupils have desire to
study volleyball during physical training classes. Among them are 47.2% pupils from city and 51.2% from the
countryside. Less than half of respondents (38.8%) would like to do athletics during physical training classes
(38.1% are pupils from the city, 40.5% are pupils from the countryside. Football has been studying by 87% of
pupils during physical training classes. This indicator rises 83.2% in the city and 95.9% in the countryside.
Comparatively small amount of pupils have desire to study basketball (40.9% in the city and 34.7% in the
countryside). The process of studying handball was discussed by 21.9% of respondents. The opportunity to study
badminton was discussed by 20.1% of 9-Grade pupils in total. It was discovered that variable module
“Tourism” is studied only by those pupils who are from the countryside. 49.4% of 9-Grade pupils study table
tennis all over the region. There is high level of skiing in the countryside and low level in the city. The tourism is
interesting for 38.8% of pupils but it is growing only in the countryside. What is more, there exist low popularity
for gymnastics, swimming, aqua aerobics, weight sport. It can be explained as with objective so subjective
reasons. The conclusions. It was found out that pupil from Grade 9 in the Lviv region study volleyball (88.7%),
athletics (87.7%), football (87%), and basketball (85%). The condition of the material basis and equipment
allows implementing those variable modules. However, the pupils’ interest differentiates a little. Most of all
pupils tend to study swimming (60.9%), volleyball (48.4%), table tennis (45.5%) and football (44%). There exist
difficulties with implementing swimming and table tennis in the educational establishments. Among those
difficulties are: absence of swimming pools or lack of economic recourses to maintain them. Furthermore, there
are no tables for tennis in schools and administration does not have any desire to purchase sport equipment
because of lack of money.
Key words: variable modules, physical culture, pupils from the Grade 9, schools from the city and


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