
  • O. Rybak Lviv State University of Physical Cultre
  • A. Atoian Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Automobile Federation of Ukraine
  • O. Feldman Vice President of the Automobile Federation of Ukraine


driver, emergency, contravarious preparation, autosport.


In the “driver – car – road – environment” system, the most vulnerable, the most dangerous and most
important link is a person. Actually driver errors lead to the majority of accidents, therefore improving the
quality of their selection and training is one of the main reserves for improving road safety.
In order to reduce accidents on the roads in Ukraine, the use of contraception training of civilian drivers
for the experience of selection and training of athletes-racing drivers and the practice of their safe competitive
activities has been substantiated. To achieve this goal, analysis and synthesis, synthesis and analysis, induction
and deduction and methods of mathematical statistics have been used.
The standard list of contratration exercises provided for by the current legislation, not related to the
nature and causes of typical road traffic accidents. Their most significant reasons are exceeding the safe speed
and violation of maneuvering rules (non-observance or incorrect assessment of the safe distance, undeclared
timed-shifting, sharp braking, accidental interaction with drivers in the “mirdwave zone” of mirrors). Therefore,
the most important is the training of drivers for emergency braking, traversing unexpected obstacles, as well as
a more “thinner” feeling of dimensions and velocity vector.
Structuring the theoretical and practical KAP is expedient in the following scheme: the first level “driver-car-road” and “driver-car-road-environment”. At the fifth level, the formation of specialized skills
associated with the specific performance of the driver of his official duties.
For the corresponding reasons typical car accidents include a number of activities and exercises from the
experience of motor sport, including a comprehensive assessment of the psycho-physiological qualities, the
working position of the wheel, the speed of rotation of the helm with two hands, the driver's sensation of
dimensions and the ability to quickly move from place, accelerated and emergency brake in the overall rectangle
Speedy steering and synchronization with footwork on pedals are enhanced by “step-by-step snake”
maneuvers, “circumvention of expected and unexpected obstacles”, controlled entry, and more. Execution of all
exercises must necessarily be quantified.
Key words: driver, emergency, contravarious preparation, autosport.
considers the driver himself, on the second – the system “driver-car”; on the third and fourth levels – the system


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