he pаce оf physicаl develоpment, functiоnаl аge, students' heаlth, аquа recreаtiоnAbstract
Аbstrаct. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of determining the pace of physical development
of senior pupils and to carry out a comparative description of the functional and calendar age of boys
of 16–17 years of institutions of secondary education in the city of Kyiv as part of the development of a
recreation and recreation program.
The following methods were used to solve this goal: analysis of scientific and methodical literature data;
determination of the pace of physical development of boys took place according to the method of Korobeinikov
G.V, which included the following stages: calculation of the pace of functional development of the surveyed;
calculation of functional age by calendar age; comparison of the obtained indicators. Estimating the difference
between them allows you to determine how many years the survey is ahead of or behind the peers at the pace of
development. For data processing, commonly used methods of mathematical statistics were applied.
In the young boys who participated in the pedagogical experiment, we studied the basic indices necessary
to determine the pace of physical development, namely: body weight, height, heart rate at rest and after loading,
lung capacity, Shtange and Genchi tests.
After processing the received data, we determined that almost all surveyed students rate of pace of
physical development, is at a level less than “1”, that is - the boys have a slow pace of development of the
organism. Only two students of 16 years of age and one pupil of 17 years of age showed a TFR (the pace of
physical development) indicator that boys have a normal rate of physical development. The level of functional
seniority of senior pupils was also determined. Among all participants in the pedagogical experiment, the FV
(functional age) is within the normal range. Detection of the pace of physical development makes it possible to
quantify the degree of biological maturation of adolescents.
The obtained results make it possible to clarify why the selected contingent, anthropometric and
functional indicators do not meet the generally accepted norms. The author gave guys advice on the involvement
in physical education classes with elements of aqua-recreation.
Key wоrds: he pаce оf physicаl develоpment, functiоnаl аge, students' heаlth, аquа recreаtiоn.
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