
  • A. Palatnyi Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Family, Youth Policy, Sport and Tourism


results, team, wrestling, women’s wrestling, awards.


Results of Ukrainian athletes’ performances from wrestling and women’s wrestling at prestigious international
competitions during 1992–2008. A. Palatnyy. Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Ukraine on Family
Matters, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism. Abstract. The available scientific and popular science information
about the achievements of Ukrainian athletes at the Olympic Games arts games is partly described. At the same
time, the study issues of results in the performances of Ukrainian athletes – representatives of wrestling (among
men and women) of different age groups at leading international competitions by experts were not conducted.
Purpose: to find out the results of Ukrainian athletes’ performances from wrestling and women’s wrestling at
prestigious international competitions (during 1992–2008). Methods and organization. Used methods:
theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of documentary
materials, content analysis. The organization of the study included the study of the competitions protocols,
information content of the official organizations sites of Ukraine and the world, which ensure the development of
wrestling and women’s wrestling and highlight the main events; preparation of the official request to the
Ukrainian Wrestling Association on the main points of sport development at the last time. Results. In general,
wrestling development is influenced by factors of the environment, including the need to take into account the
main trends in the wrestling development in the world. An analysis of Ukrainian athletes results at performances
from wrestling and women’s wrestling at prestigious international competitions during 1992–2008 indicated
that the highest number of awards was obtained by men at the European Championships (58 awards), juniors,
cadets and girls at the European Championships (51, 52 and 53 awards in accordance). For the dynamics of
Ukrainian athletes’ awards number from wrestling and women’s wrestling in annual macrocycles is generally
characterized by an increase in the awards number during 1992–2008. The first period of “some stability” with
the limits of 16–26 awards is observed from 1993 to 2001 and the period of “increased results” from 2005 to
2008 (35–40 awards in general on the leading international competitions).
Key words: results, team, wrestling, women’s wrestling, awards.


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