

health, physical health, cardio-respiratory system, Harvard step test, students


The purpose of the work is to analyze the physiological indices of the state of the students’ physical health.
Methods and organization of research. The study involved students (n=99, 86.9% – females) aged 18–22
years, who studied at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The physiological testing was carried out by
assessing the level of general physical fitness according to the Harvard step-test index, the aerobic capacity of
the body – by the maximum oxygen consumption, the state of the cardiorespiratory system and the reserve
capacity of the cardiovascular system of the body – by the value of the Ruffie index, the level of functioning ofResults. Information for the assessment of health status has been provided not only by the indicators of the
cardio-respiratory system, received during physical activity but also data from research conducted during the
recovery period. To assess the functioning of the circulatory system and determine its adaptive capacity, the
index of functional changes in the cardiovascular system was calculated. Thus, over one-third of males and
every tenth female had a disruption of adaptation (30.8% males and 9.0% females), more than half of the
students were observed a tension of adaptation mechanisms (54.7% of females) or unsatisfactory adaptation
(53.9% of males).
Conclusions. According to Ruffie index, 46.1% of males and 58.2% of females had cardiac insufficiency.
The assessment of the adaptive capacity of the blood circulatory system showed that 27.9% of females and 7.7%
of males had satisfactory adaptation. According to the results of the research conducted during the recovery
period due to Harvard step-test index, nearly the half of the students had an excellent level of overall physical
performance (53.9% of males and 54.7% females). For most young people, the indicator of maximum oxygen
consumption is higher than normal or within the norm for untrained persons.
Keywords: health, physical health, cardio-respiratory system, Harvard step test, students.
the blood circulatory system – by the size of its adaptive capacity.


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