

rehabilitation, stages of rehabilitation, rehabilitation measures, diseases of internal organs, treatment, physical factors, rehabilitation aspects


Conduct an analysis of literature data on modern approaches to rehabilitation of patients with diseases
of the internal organs.
Methods of research – theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific and methodical
Results obtained. Rehabilitation of patients in each particular clinical case should be based on
scientifically grounded rehabilitation potential of the patient.
Positive in the application of physical factors in diseases of the internal organs is that they have no side
effects, do not cause intoxication, allergic reactions, there is no cumulative effect and addiction.
Clinically substantiated, adequate, dosed, properly methodically constructed physical exercises
contribute to the improvement of the general condition of the patient, have a positive effect on the physical and
psychological state of patients.
To achieve the maximum level of rehabilitation, basic requirements must be met: early onset of
rehabilitation measures; gradual rehabilitation measures; adequacy and timeliness of rehabilitation measures;
an individual approach in the designation and carrying out of rehabilitation measures; continuity and stage of
conduction of restorative treatment; comprehensive application of all available and necessary rehabilitation
measures; succession; active involvement of the patient.
For the effective carrying out of complex rehabilitation it is necessary to involve specialists of different
directions – physicians, physical therapists, psychologists, ergotherapists, social workers and others. Only in
this condition we can reckon on the positive result of the rehabilitation measures.
Conclusions. The use of means of physical rehabilitation in the complex treatment of diseases of
internal organs makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, increase the period of remission,
rational restriction of drug therapy and promotes faster recovery of disability.
Application of means of physical rehabilitation in the complex treatment of diseases of internal organs
makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, increase the period of remission and rationally limit
drug therapy
Key words: rehabilitation, stages of rehabilitation, rehabilitation measures, diseases of internal organs,
treatment, physical factors, rehabilitation aspects.


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