

game activity, game performance, physical and mental working capacity, children.


Рurpose. Identify the priority means of gaming activity for elementary school students, to identify the
reasons that reduce the possibility of involving children of primary school age in the gaming activity. Methods.
The method of expert evaluation and methods of mathematical statistics were used in the work. The study was
attended by 36 experts, namely: 26 physical education teachers, 5 primary school teachers and 5 parents).
Results According to the peer review, it has been established that mobile games are the leading means of playing
games for elementary school children. However, in order to enrich the spectrum of gaming activity of junior
pupils, according to experts, football, badminton, hockey on the grass, pinball, mini-basketball, softball should
be included. It is revealed that one of the important reasons that hinders the wide introduction of gaming types
of motor activity at physical education lessons is poorly developed material and technical base for sports
exercises. Conclusion. An expert assessment shows that there is little time left for playing children at school
(42.9% of experts are paying attention to it). The research revealed that various psycho-physiological, social,
economic, ecological, hygienic, hereditary factors. Therefore, in the organization of educational work and
gaming activities, aimed at the development of physical and mental performance of primary school students,
these factors should be taken into account. Accounting for age and individual characteristics of physical and
mental development creates favorable conditions for the gradual increase of physical and mental ability to work,
development of cognitive abilities. The respondents of this age group are individually differentiated approaches.
Key words: game activity, game performance, physical and mental working capacity, children.


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