

motives, recreational and recreational activities, elderly people


The aim of the article. To establish the motives and types of recreational and recreational activities of the
elderly. Methods. In the process of research, we used the following methods: analysis of scientific sources,
questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. In a sociological survey conducted at the “Third Age
University” on the basis of Chernivtsi Municipal Territorial Center for Social Care “Care”, 39 respondents
aged 60-75 years participated. Results. The main motivations for recreation and health improvement activities
of the elderly are the improvement of the health status (16.4%) and increase of motor activity (16.4%), as well as
communication with friends (15.6%) and the need for psycho-emotional unloading (11.0%). It has been
established that the main factors driving older people to recreation and recreation activities are television
programs (health programs – 24%, programs on the use of physical exercises – 19%), publications in
newspapers and magazines (15.2% ) and the advice of friends (15.2%). Among the reasons that are hindering
the recreational and recreational activities found the following: unable to pay for classes (30%), lack of time
(22,0%), lack of special knowledge (12,0%). The elderly people choose such recreational and recreational
activities as walking (34.8%), going to the bosom of nature (23.2%), swimming and swimming (10.6%) and
tourism (10.6%). Conclusion. In most elderly people, there is a positive attitude to physical activity, but at the
same time financial insolvency, lack of special knowledge are the main reasons that prevent them from realizing
their motives for engaging in recreational and recreational motor activity.
Key words: motives, recreational and recreational activities, elderly people.


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