

morbidity,, traumatism, students, throwing, athletics


The purpose of the study is the study of morbidity and traumatism among athlete students (for example,
athletes-metallics). Methods of research: analysis of literary sources, questioning on the questionnaire
developed by us, and also on medical documentation of the medical institution of Lutsk NTU. Organization of
the study: analyzed data on the morbidity and traumatism of 33 athletes of the Lutsk National University of
Science in the throwing fields of athletics. Of these, 18 boys and 15 girls aged 18 to 22 years old. The highest
percentage of surveyed girls are at the age of 22 (20%), young men are 21 years old (27,7%). 22 people from the
study group are students of 1–4 years of full-time study, 11 persons – 1–5 courses of correspondence form of
study. Data from literary sources indicate that the sportsmen-throwers in connection with the specifics of their
activities most often observed trauma and diseases of the locomotor apparatus, with their localization has its
own characteristics, depending on the specialization of athletes and increased load on certain joints and muscle
groups. According to scientists, it was found that students engaged in physical exercises in running species are
more likely to suffer from acute respiratory diseases (61,1%), the number of injuries is 28,2%, locomotor
diseases are detected in 23,0% of cases, exacerbation Chronic diseases accounted for 7,6%. According to thepeople were ill (72,7%). The number of cases – 31. In 21 cases (67,7%) athletes sought medical assistance.
Of the 18 students, 13 were ill (72,2%). In 18 cases, 11 people (61,1%) were treated for medical aid. Of the
15 students, 11 people (73,3%) mentioned these diseases. In total, they registered 13 cases of acute respiratory
infections, 10 of them students applied for medical assistance (76,9%). The number of appeals for acute
respiratory diseases in girls is 1,3 times higher than in young men.The results of studies on morbidity and
traumatism among athletes by metal species, in general, correspond to the data available in literary sources.
Key words: morbidity, traumatism, students, throwing, athletics.
results of the study, the largest number of athletes were ill with acute respiratory illnesses. In total, in 2018, 24


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