

аuscultation of the lungs, general blood test, clinical parameters, pneumonia, physical therapy, respiratory rate, heart rate.


Aim. To establish efficiency of complex application of means of physical therapy in restoration of
functions of cardiovascular system of children after acute pneumonia. Methods. The following methods are used
in the work: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, clinical research methods and mathematical
processing of quantitative data. 24 children aged 6-10 years participated in the study, which was conducted on
the basis of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in the Volyn region. The children were divided into two groups
(control and experimental) for 12 people in each. The program of physical therapy for children with pneumonia
included such means: exercise therapy, general and drainage massage, physiotherapy. Complex of exercises of
medical physical training included breathing exercises; exercises with gymnastic sticks, hoops, balls; physical
exercises on simulators; gymnastic exercises for relaxation; dosed walking and sports-applied exercises using
game techniques Rehabilitation of children of the control group was carried out in accordance with the protocol
in force. Simulation of physical activity was carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of sick
children. Results. The proposed complex of rehabilitation means contributed to the rapid normalization of the
number of leukocytes, reduction of respiration rate and heart rate in the post-hospital period. At the same time,
the level of blood oxygenation increased, signs of pathological breathing disappeared. Conclusion. Comprehensive
application of physical therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body in the posthospital
period of pneumonia treatment, effectively affects the restoration of the functions of the cardiopulmonary


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