About the Journal

Newsletter of Precarpathian University. Physical culture.

The bulletin highlights the scientific research results on current problems of physical education of schoolchildren and students, biomechanics, sports training and competitive activities, sports genetics, health and sports tourism, history of physical culture, sports and physical education psychology, valeology, adaptive physical culture, methodology and management in physical culture.

The bulletin is developed for scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, physical education teachers and coaches.

Media identifier R30-02051 dated November 23, 2023.

By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 32 of January 15, 2018, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 6, 2018 under No. 148/21600 with amendments December 20, 2023 No. 1543, the journal “Newsletter of Precarpathian University. Physical culture” was included in category B of professional publications of Ukraine in the following specialties:

017 – Physical culture and sports

014 – Pedagogical sciences: 014.11 Physical education (mon.gov.ua)

ISSN 2411-4707 (Online),

ISSN 2078-3396 (Print)

Frequency: 2 times a year


Articles – Ukrainian, English

Summary – Ukrainian, English 

Indexing and abstracting:

Google Scholar 

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine