Actual methodological approaches to the future foreign language teachers training


  • Oxana Rogulska



methodological approaches, future foreign language teachers training, higher education institutions


Modern methodological approaches to future foreign language teachers training are presented and grounded in the article. They are as follows: systemic, competent, axiological, cultural, activity, communicative, student centered and interdisciplinary. It is stressed that the task of higher education institutions is to create and implement new approaches to teaching and learning, the use of which will contribute to the quality of the future foreign language teachers training for their professional activities under the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. The need to shift attention from the learning process to its outcome, and thus the expediency of introducing modern methodological approaches to the future teachers training are underlined in the article. The article deals with the concept of “learning approach”, which is interpreted as a mechanism for the realization of the learning aim by means of a particular method, and the “learning method”, which is understood as a way of carrying out the teacher and students interaction, the meaningful realization of the learning process with a view to attaining definite educational goals. At the same time, it is noted that there is no clear distinction between method and approach, since they are interdependent and complementary: combinatorial use of several approaches may lead to the emergence of a new method and vice versa – a comprehensive theoretical study of a particular method can serve as the reason for the development of new learning approaches to.



