Decorative-applied art as a factor influencing on the aesthetic upbringing of the child in the family


  • Nelia Sirant



decorative and applied arts, means of aesthetic education, children,, family, aesthetic taste, emotional experience


The article deals with the analysis of decorative and applied art as a factor of child’s aesthetic education in a family. It is one of the most ancient forms of artistic practice of a man and possesses inexhaustible energy of influence on individuality, since it accumulates a huge historical, spiritual, aesthetic experience, is essential for the development of artistic and aesthetic culture, cultivation of feelings and formation of aesthetic taste, culture of everyday life, labor and human relations. Folk decorative art introduces a child into the world of beauty, teaches to love the native land and saves nature, instills moral points of reference, educates human values. The child learns such concepts as size, form, color, composition, ornament, mastering specific artistic skills and skills in this case. The child learns to recognize beauty in surrounding subjects and phenomena by joining the folk art, accumulating “luggage” of beauty in the soul.
We have argued that folk arts and crafts is being characterized by pronounced features such as: decorative, expressive color and plastic, uniqueness of the ornament, variety of textures of materials. This fact is based on the analysis of scientific literature. It is noted that folk decorative and applied arts as a form of artistic creativity are an effective means of forming a child’s aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, emotionally affects the formation of personality, providing: spiritual needs of the child, education of love for mankind, its cultural and artistic heritage; the development of the child’s psyche, natural instincts and abilities; enriching the child’s practical and emotional experience, forming aesthetic needs; development of aesthetic taste, perception and sensation; positive attitude on creative conscious, active artistic and labor activity; desire for manifestation of personal qualities and creative self-realization. Thus, folk decorative and applied arts obtain a significant potential of knowledge in the surrounding subject’s understanding of world and are an important means of children aesthetic education in the family.

