Theoretical principles of education in modern youth value attitude to work


  • Каrina Vlasenko



upbringing, value attitude to labour, youth, personality, retrospective analysis


On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources in pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, sociology, the theoretical and methodological principles of upbringing the value attitude to labour among the students of agricultural institutions of higher education were substantiated. Retrospective analysis of scientific sources on upbringing of the individual during the labour process allowed to reveal the peculiarities of the influence of labour on the formation of personality from ancient times to the present day. The role of labour in the development of human civilization is evidenced by the written works of the Antiquity and the Kievan Rus (Hesiod's poem “Labour and Days", the work of Marc Portia Caton “De agri cultura”, “Izbornik 1076”, “The Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh”). The results of the analysis of scientific literature show out that majority of the pedagogical research works were carried out in the aspect of studying the labour culture, and therefore, we observed only single definitions of the notion of value relation to work itself. Scientists believed that the success of labour upbringing depends on the material and technical base, the choice of the type of work, as well as effective forms and methods of upbringing. It is also worth taking care of creating a joy of labour – self-expression in labour, because enjoyment can only be achieved when the labour reveals individuality. The problem of raising the value relation to various types of labour is highlighted in a number of dissertations (A. Danik, T. Yeskov, V. Madzigon, I. Krikun, V. Burdun). Researchers note that the value attitude to labour is an important component of the individual’s labour education, which implies awareness of the social significance of labour, the developed need for labour activity, initiative, propensity to entrepreneurship, readiness for creative activity, competitiveness and self-realization.

