Theoretical bases of forming of managerial culture of future managers of education


  • Andrii Tanko



education management, managerial culture, educational process of higher educational institution, extra-curricular work


The formation of the future manager of education, which Ukraine is waiting for, its professional self-realization in modern socio-cultural contexts, requires a high level of professional training, part of which is theoretical training, carried out primarily in the educational process. It takes place during the lectures and seminars where students receive the knowledge system which is necessary for the implementation of the functions of educational management in the professional-pedagogical activity. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature gives grounds to assert that the issue of comprehensive study of theoretical training of the future education manager of his role in the formation of his management culture did not find enough coverage.
Future teachers receive theoretical training both during the study of socio-humanitarian and psycho-pedagogical, and professional disciplines, as well as special courses. An analysis of existing curricula programs that are being studied in modern pedagogical educational institutions allowed us to find out that they do not provide solutions to the actual tasks of preparing a future teacher as a manager of education. Solving the tasks of forming the managerial culture of future teachers must be carried out by all disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle, which are presented and interpreted from the standpoint of the relevant field of knowledge for the formation of moral and legal consciousness, as well as from the general cultural positions. Extra-curricular work has a great potential for forming the managerial culture of the future manager of education. Its structure corresponds to the general structure of activity, and the motives (the purpose), actions (operations) – its concrete discovery. They find expression in educational actions, the structure of which includes goals, content, methods of education.



