Views of John Paul II on the problems of child and youth education from the standpoint of Christian morality


  • Nataliia Salyha



morality, Christian morality, education, John Paul II


The article focuses on the problem of educating children and young people from the standpoint of Christian morality in the works and educational activities of Pope John Paul II who was not only a prominent clergyman, diplomat, psychologist, philosopher, historian, but a true teacher of the world, one of the most charismatic leaders of the 20th century. It deals with the philosophical and pedagogical works of the scientist, analyzes the humanistic core and content of his ideas, reveals the universal significance of his spiritual heritage in implementing the ideas of Christian morals of modern youth. John Paul II left behind a wealth of scientific achievements. Most members of the Ukrainian scientific community know him only as the Pope, the leader of the Catholic Church. However, it would be a big mistake to limit this figure to religious activity only. Among the rich creative heritage of the Pontiff, there are works that have a direct bearing on pedagogy. The views of John Paul II on the education of children and young people from the standpoint of Christian morality are reflected in voluminous pastoral teachings, apostolic messages, philosophical articles on moral and ethical issues. All his works point to the need to educate children and youth in the Christian spirit. John Paul II drew attention of scientists of various fields of knowledge to the problems of education: philosophers, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, teachers, doctors. The Pontiff believed that the purpose of education is, above all, the upbringing of a person in a man. On the deep conviction of John Paul II, the basic principles of humanistic pedagogy, which forms the high spirituality of the individual, are laid in the Christian religion specifically. The Pontiff highlighted the importance of national education. As a highly spiritual person, he especially emphasized the right of every nation to its language and culture. He considered Christian education to be the basis of the moral formation of a growing generation, since it covers all spheres of human life: personal, family, civil, national, social, etc. Christian canons are the basis for the spread of common spiritual values, such as kindness, decency, love, loyalty, honesty, dignity, wisdom, justice, etc., among children and young people.



