The current state of implementation of the principle of continuity in preparing children for school


  • Tamara Marchii-Dmytrash



continuity principle, institution of preschool education, primary school, preschool child, junior schoolchild, preparation for schooling, school maturity, readiness for schooling


The current state of implementation of the principle of continuity in preparing children for school is substantiated in the article. Emphasis is placed on the value of the child’s personal development, the focus of the educational process on the needs of its education and upbringing. The concepts of “school preparation”, “school readiness” and “school maturity” are specified and delineated.
It is substantiated that openness, flexibility, plasticity of the older preschool child’s psychics provides great internal opportunities for positive changes before a difficult stage in her life – schooling, and therefore – early adolescence, so primary school teacher must be well trained psychologically. If the load, the content of the education, the requirements do not meet the capacity of children, there are risk factors. If at one age the normal conditions of development are disturbed, then the next one has to solve two tasks at the same time: training and correction.
It is determined that one of the important qualities of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the principle of continuity is the ability to diagnose – kindly, purposefully, selectively observe the child in different activities, using individual educational, play tasks, which will show specific traits of the child’s personality (her teaching skills, motivation, endurance, memory, self-organization, creative approach to solving problems), as well as to summarize facts, to accumulate and analyze children’s works for a long time.
Particular attention in the implementation of the principle of continuity deserves to create for preschoolers and primary school pupils a developmental environment that will contribute to the development of cognitive activity, creativity, independence, in particular through the usage of attributes for different games, creating toys, arranging a book corner with cognitive content literature, the usage of cards, globe, various schemes and more.



