Social health of students of higher medical educational institutions


  • Oxana Boichuk-Tovsta



health, social health, student, health culture, health preservation, social resource, student youth


The article “Social health of students of higher medical education” is sanctified to the questions of social health of medical students. In today’s context of transformation of the basic spheres of human life, it is very important to consider the problem of promoting the health of student youth in the context of political, economic, social, cultural and other factors.
The question of social health is interdisciplinary. Social health is considered from the standpoint of the student’s health culture as a qualitative formation of personality, which manifested in the student’s attitude to lifestyle, to his health and which leads to his conscious desire to independently, creatively improve the physical, mental, spiritual spheres of his own activity based on self-knowledge and adequate self-assessment of health status.
The decision of questions of health requires consideration of a variety of factors, including legal, family, educational, medical, legal, cultural, environmental.
Social health depends on the "social resource" of the personality. Also consider next components of the social resource: social origin, conditions of primary socialization, age, education, qualification, level of material well-being, ethno-cultural and religious affiliation, living conditions, nutrition, availability of sanitary-hygienic information, basic skills in the sphere of health and other.
We conducted the questionnaire of first-year students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine on social health awareness. In the minds of some part of first-year students, social health issues are clearly understood, but at the level of perfect awareness, it is not always goes into real action.
The conducted analysis of social health and its conclusions drawn from these findings can serve as a basis and additional material for further scientific research. In particular, the study of the formation of a culture of health in the student environment, the interconnection of social health and values orientations of student youth, etc.



