Commutative Bezout domains in which any nonzero prime ideal is contained in a finite set of maximal ideals


  • B.V. Zabavsky Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 1 Universytetska str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine
  • O.M. Romaniv Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 1 Universytetska str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine


Bezout domain, elementary divisor ring, adequate ring, ring of stable range, valuation ring, prime ideal, maximal ideal, comaximal ideal
Published online: 2018-12-31


We investigate   commutative Bezout domains in which any nonzero prime  ideal is contained in a finite set of maximal ideals. In particular, we have described the class of such rings, which are  elementary divisor rings. A ring $R$ is called an elementary divisor ring if every matrix over $R$ has a canonical diagonal reduction (we say that a matrix $A$ over $R$ has a canonical diagonal reduction  if for the matrix $A$ there exist invertible matrices $P$ and $Q$ of appropriate sizes and a diagonal matrix $D=\mathrm{diag}(\varepsilon_1,\varepsilon_2,\dots,\varepsilon_r,0,\dots,0)$ such that  $PAQ=D$  and $R\varepsilon_i\subseteq R\varepsilon_{i+1}$ for every $1\le i\le r-1$). We proved that a commutative Bezout domain $R$ in which any nonze\-ro prime ideal is contained in a finite set of maximal ideals and for any nonzero element $a\in R$  the ideal $aR$ a decomposed into a product $aR = Q_1\ldots Q_n$, where  $Q_i$ ($i=1,\ldots, n$) are pairwise comaximal ideals and $\mathrm{rad}\,Q_i\in\mathrm{spec}\, R$,  is an elementary divisor ring.

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How to Cite
Zabavsky, B.; Romaniv, O. Commutative Bezout Domains in Which Any Nonzero Prime Ideal Is Contained in a Finite Set of Maximal Ideals. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2018, 10, 402-407.