About the Journal
The journal has been published from 2005 twice a year.
It is published in Ukrainian, English and Polish.
ISSN (Print) 2313-8246, ISSN (Online) 2518-7589.
Registration data: print media identifier R30-02047 (Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated November 23, 2023 No. 1534)
The journal is included in:
Національна бібліотека України імені Вернадського
Індекс Коперника
Довідник періодичних видань Ульріха (Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory),
Directory of Research Journals Indexing
Scientific Journal “The actual problems of regional economy development”
Alternative title: Aktualnì problemi rozvitku ekonomìki regìonu
Abbreviated key title: Aktual. probl. rozvit. ekon. reg.
Scientific journal is recognized as the professional edition, in which the results of dissertation research on receiving of scientific degrees of the doctor or candidate of sciences can be published according to Resolutions of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine on Jan.18,2007 № 1-05/1 and on Mar.10, 2010 № 1-05/2, the Order by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Mar. 09, 2016 № 241. According to the Order by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1188 dated September 24, 2020 the scientific journal is included into category«B».
The journal publishes scientific works by Specialties:
051 Economy
292 International economic relations
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
281 Public management and administration
075 Marketing
Focus and scope
Main fields for articles:
Theory and history of economic thought.
World economy and international economic relations.
Economics and management of the national economy.
Economics and management (by industry).
Development of productive forces and regional economy.
Economics of natural resources and the environment.
Demography, labor economy, social economy and politics.
Money, finance and credit.
Accounting, analysis and audit (by industry).
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies.
Old issues (2008-2015) are presented on the previous version of our web page. You can view articles from our past issues below: