Legal Regulation Of The Non-Business Legal Entity : Retrospective And Current State
legal entity, non- business legal entity, institution, consumer society, public association, fund, institution, establishment.Abstract
The article deals with scientific views on the retrospective of legal regulation of non- business legal entities, as well as their role. The origin, concept, meaning and general features, inherent to this kind of legal entities are investigated.
The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal analysis of issues related to the range of problems connected with development of such legal model as ‘non- business legal entity’. In the scientific work the author makes an analysis of those concepts which are submitted by the leading Ukrainian scholars and concern the formation of civil-law terminology in general and that is applied to the non business -legal entities, in particular.
An analysis of the modern mechanism of legal regulation of non-business legal entity’in Ukraine is being analyzed.
It is argued that the process of formation and development of civil legislation on non-entrepreneurial legal entities has deep historical roots. On the basis of the conducted research it is possible to conditionally outline the corresponding periodization of the history of formation of non-entrepreneurial legal entities on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, we believe that it is more expedient not to talk about specific time intervals, as it is obvious that some of them will be too large and vague, but rather from the analysis of legislation on non-entrepreneurial legal entities can identify factors that contributed to it.