On The Criminal-Legal Assessment Of Aggression


  • Oleksii Petechel




Most destructive manifestations in behavior explain manifestations of aggression in its various forms. In this regard, the study of the nature and content of the phenomenon, ways to counter its negative manifestations acquires a new relevance.
The difficulty of studying aggression caused varied and interdisciplinary focus of this phenomenon. The explanation of this phenomenon are trying to find biologists, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, lawyers. In this regard, there is a large number of definitions of this concept
Legal, legislative definition of this concept is not. The only exception is public international law, which defines aggression as the use of force by one State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another state or people (nation). However, this does not mean that the state does not protect its citizens from the negative manifestations of aggression and does not give legal assessment of the act the person is aggressive. It should be noted that the legislator pays attention to both internal and external components and aggression person.


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