Anti-Corruption Policy In The Criminal Law Dimension


  • Volodymyr Myslyvyi


anti-corruption policy


Fighting corruption in Ukraine, the state transition, remains one of the components of reform towards a civilized European Community. Against corruption as a global threat to society directed a number of UN conventions and other international legal instruments, national legislation materials monitoring international organizations and other activities, among which a special place belongs to criminal law.
One of the important results of that stage in the anti-corruption policy are as follows: 1) implementation of the concept of «corruption offenses» in the current criminal law; 2) determining the list of crimes relating to corruption; 3) the definition of corruption offenses based crimes in the area of ​​performance and professional activities related to the provision of public services.
Given the current state of the criminal law can not be considered that the issue of combating corruption crimes was in its final decision. Overview lengthy discussions to find an optimal model of corruption crimes shows that scientists have been made proposals for a significant segment of corruption, including among crimes against the election, labor and other personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen, crimes in economic activity, crimes against justice and others where corruption component in the social, political, economic, financial, fiscal, legal and other spheres of society is no less dangerous than the one currently defined criminal law.


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