On The Question Of The Effectiveness Of Public Prosecution In Terms Of Reforming The Prosecution Ukraine
public prosecutionAbstract
In terms of Ukraine held in judicial reform, the essence of which is to create state-legal mechanism to protect the rights and interests of each individual citizen, the effective implementation of public prosecution is one of the leading areas of prosecutors. Exemption from court prosecution function significantly alters the position and objectives of procedural prosecutor who is involved in criminal proceedings.
The practical significance of the use of assessment criteria for the state accusation in court allows the head of the prosecution:
1) identify the positive experience of the prosecutor as a state prosecutor in courts and adopt it for use by other state prosecutors;
2) set the deficiencies in the public prosecutor, to determine their cause and take measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of state accusation in court;
3) take into account the use of a feature defined criteria for assessing the quality of state accusation as an incentive for each state prosecutor conscientiously perform their work, deeply aware of their responsibilities in the trial
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