Definition Of The Crime Under Art. 209 Of The Criminal Code Of Ukraine, In The Context Of Trends Of Legislation


  • Oleksandr Dudorov
  • Taisiia Tertychenko


legalization (laundering) of money


The article is devoted to the issue of definition of the crime under Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in the context of the pan and trends of legislation. The author draws attention to the coordination and cooperation of different countries in combating the legalization (laundering) of money and other assets of crime.
The author notes that legislation is developing very dynamically. Relevant regulatory framework that emerged in Europe only in the early 90s of the twentieth century, has undergone several changes. So the question combating money laundering are regulated at two conventions Council of Europe and the three EU directives, and from document to document levels of rigidity criminal legal measures of counteraction to legalization of property obtained by crime gradually increases.
In determining the object of a crime under Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, a key question is what should be considered predicate offenses. Appeal to foreign legislative experience does not give a clear answer to this question and shows that every country, though to some extent and take into account international standards, is moving its own way of improving the legislation directed against money laundering.


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