Conditions for pulsed gas-discharge synthesis of thin tungsten oxide films from a plasma mixture of air with tungsten vapors
overvoltage nanosecond discharge, tungsten, air, thin films, radiation spectrum, plasmaAbstract
Characteristics of high-voltage nanosecond discharge in gas-vapor mixtures "Air – W" at air pressures p = 101.13; 13.3 kPa are provided. The discharge was ignited between tungsten electrodes. Formation of tungsten oxide clusters in the plasma occurred during the introduction of tungsten vapors into the discharge gap via an electron mechanism, creating conditions for the synthesis of thin tungsten oxide (WO3) films deposited on a glass substrate.
The optical properties of the discharge from the central region of a 2 mm-wide gap were investigated. The main components responsible for excitation in the plasma of a tungsten-based vapor-gas mixture with air were identified. Examination of the Raman spectra of laser-scattered radiation by the experimentally synthesized thin films revealed them to be island-like films of tungsten oxide (WO3).
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Copyright (c) 2024 R.V. Hrytsak, O.K. Shuaibov, O.Y. Minya, A.O. Malinina, I.V. Shevera, Yu.Yu. Bilak, Z.T. Homoki

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